研究資源分類 |
論文/期刊 |
研究資源階段 |
作者 |
Chi-Ming (Angela) Lee |
書名/題目 |
Learning to be a good parent across cultural and generational boundaries |
出版社/研究單位 |
Journal of Moral Education, 40:3, 377-385. |
出版時間 |
2011-01-01 |
說明 |
This article focuses on first-person perspectives of a parent–child relationship. The personal experiences of my son and I epitomise the clash of Eastern and Western, traditional and modern cultures in the social context of Taiwan. As a professor of moral education, I reflect on my son’s upbringing in order to try to understand and reconcile differences of educational principles and styles between cultures and generations. I relate the journey my adolescent son and I endured over six years to overcome the many difficulties he faced, as he did not fit neatly into the tradi-tional education mould. As a result of this moral education process I point to some implications for parents and educators, including: consideration of universal values and educational methods in different cultures; adoption and integration of various educational theories to form a cultural identity; and the application of the theory and practice of moral education to parenting and schooling.
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